Thursday, April 22, 2010



“I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” 2Ti 4:1-2, (NKJV)

"I wish you happy birthday.... many more victorious and prosperous years to come.” This particular one has been echoing in my mind since last Wednesday. My 42nd birthday occurred last week. It was one of the most memorable occasions I will never forget in my life. I wondered why people from all walks of life all over the world were sending in messages: Rastafarians, Buddhists, Muslims and free thinkers, politicians, students, and my fellow ministers from my church and other denominations. Some were old, old friends I had lost touch with for over 30 years, yet they could remember and call me or send me messages.

All these were made possible through the Facebook which I joined barely a month ago! Although I am a computer literate, I live in a community where connectivity was virtually non-existent. Sometime ago, make a mobile phone call was a headache because I had to stand at a particular spot for about 30 minutes before the phone could register the network. Now thanks to MTN modem, I can connect to the internet.

I was virtually overwhelmed. I immediately used the opportunity to present an evangelistic message, because I saw it as a good opportunity to let people know how the Lord has been gracious to me. I sent this personal testimony about my salvation:

Today, I'm 42 yrs young and still growing stronger! I declare without any shame that I'm a living testimony of the grace of God! Once I was a very troublesome aggressive guy: akpeteshie (a hot local gin) dealer, fetish priest secretary, Rastafarian, nearly a school drop-out.. But since 1989 when I accepted Jesus, it’a a totally different story! Today, accept Him: He will do you good!

My decision to do this stemmed from the fact that that the Bible admonishes us to be ready to preach the gospel whether in good or bad season. I saw a good season and surely, it became one!

The next day, messages kept on flowing. This time, not birthday wishes, but people praising God for what He has done for me. I took time yesterday to review the messages. One surprise was that two people took particular interest in the testimony and were able to forward it to over 2,000 people. The aspect which excited me most was that a note had been attached: "This is a testimony of a Pastor friend of MY CHURCH, the Church of Pentecost. If Jesus did it for Pastor, He can do it 4 U"

How could it be possible for someone like me living in a deprived community like Nsawkaw receive such a high publicity? The internet is a very powerful tool. Everyone should learn how to put it to good use. I am very sure the message is still circulating. I pray that the Lord would use it to save people I cannot reach in person. My final remark: It is good to be technologically inclined! Use your technological know-how to preach Christ and there will surely be results..

The Church of Pentecost

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