Sunday, November 21, 2010


By Pastor William Boachie-Ansah

Texts: Habakkuk 2:2-3, Jeremiah 1:11-12
“Then the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

“Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" And I said, "I see a branch of an almond tree." Then the LORD said to me, "You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word." (NKJV)

The prophet Habakkuk was asked by God to write down what he sees. What you see today has a bearing on what you will be in the future.
Jeremiah too was asked to describe what he sees. He was commended by God for being able to aptly describe what he sees. When Jeremiah was able to tell what he saw, God revealed what He was going to do. If you don’t know where you are today, how can you tell where you will be tomorrow? In this life, God does not do everything for us. He calls us to do his work, but requires us to devise our personal strategy for executing his will. This is the reason why we should have personal mission statements, to direct our steps in life, and to be able to measure the fulfillment of our life aspirations.

As somebody who God has foreordained you to be His child and fellow worker, your goal for life is your ministry to God through service of men. In the business world for instance, a retailer does not know the first customer who will walk into his shop tomorrow, but he knows that he intended to trade for profit. Let everybody who come in contact with you know what you are prepared to live or die for.

The Encarta Dictionary defines a mission statement as “formal business statement of aims: a formal document that states the objectives of a company or organization”. It is not only organizations which need mission statement. If you want to develop your personality as a leader in God’s business, there is the need for you to have one. It’s a kind of personal constitution that sets out broad principles of how we wish to conduct our lives. Each of us should set out a personal mission statement, a description encompassing our own personal objectives, long-term goals, and guiding philosophy. It is a guideline that allows us to adapt our behavior to changes in our lives without straying from our overall direction and purpose.

A personal mission statement also helps us to move from our abstract values and motivational needs to something concrete by providing the foundation for developing specific goals to guide our behavior. By making our values explicit, we are better able to formulate short- and long-term goals that reflect what is important to us.
For example, consider the following mission statement created by one student:

My mission is to use my personal abilities fully to become an engineer who will work on projects that will help others improve the quality of their lives. In addition, I hope to form meaningful relationships with others and to marry and raise children who will make their own contributions to society. Finally, I wish to participate in bettering the world by volunteering in organizations that will enhance the quality of my own community.

This mission statement reflects several underlying values and needs: the desire to use work to improve others’ lives, the wish to form relationships with others, and the desire to make the world a better place. In some respects it is fairly specific (such as the desire to become an engineer and to marry and have children).


Before you sit down to write your personal mission statement, there are a lot of reflections you have to make. You might, for example, consider how you plan to achieve your motivational needs and realize your values through your chosen career. Next you might describe the sort of person you want to be and the “product” you plan to contribute to the world. Finally, you might describe your intended lifestyle, including the type of community you would like to live in and the nature of your ideal family. In addition, the following can be put into consideration:
• What are your most important values (e.g., comfort, environmental awareness, kindness to others, inner harmony, challenge, etc.)?
• What are your motivational needs (e.g., love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization)?
• In what general area or career do you wish to work?
• What will be your most important “product,” for which you want to be known and remembered (e.g., good deeds, wealth, power, prestige, artistic creations, business acumen, etc.)?
• What kind of person do you want to be (helpful, kind, solitary, powerful, wealthy, etc.)?
• In what sort of community do you want to live (large city, small city, small town, suburbs, country, woods, farm, etc.)?
• With whom do you want to live (e.g., spouse, friends, children, etc.)?
• What words describe your ideal life style (e.g., sophisticated, woodsy, agricultural, down- home, laid back, ambitious, etc.)?
If you are able to put down your answers to these questions systematically, you will be able to have a fair view of what you exist for. The next thing to do is to polish it by using concise clear cut statements to summarize it. With determination to live it, your life will be clearly guided. Take it to the Lord in prayer and see to it that you consult it whenever you are about to take any major decision of life. God be with you.

P.O. BOX 10

Monday, September 6, 2010


TEXT: JOHN 6:1-12
So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, "Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.(V.12, NKJV)

In the passage above, Jesus clearly demonstrated that He is the most diligent economist of the universe. We often talk about Jesus’ ability to provide for our physical needs but overlook that fact! That is why He is more interested in providing most of our needs rather than our wants.

If Jesus had been a mere man, He would never have bothered to think about the remaining fragments. Any man who can feed five thousand does not worry about a few leftover crumbs! But Jesus is God, and with God there must be no wasting of His bounties. He does not want us to squander the precious things He has given to us, and so He takes care to instruct that the broken pieces which remained should be gathered up so that nothing might be lost.

Very importantly, God does not allow wastefulness. Nature wastes nothing, not an ounce of matter. It is the waste of man that causes want. Every atom of the material world which was here at the beginning of creation is here today, though it may have changed its form a million times in the progress of events. Let me illustrate this point with the Water Cycle: The water cycle simply means that Earth’s water is continually recycled between the oceans, the atmosphere, and the land. All of the water that exists on Earth today has been used and reused for billions of years. Very little water has been created or lost during this period of time. Water is constantly moving on Earth’s surface and changing back and forth between ice, liquid water, and water vapor.

The water cycle begins when the Sun heats the water in the oceans and causes it to evaporate and enter the atmosphere as water vapor. Some of this water vapor falls as precipitation directly back into the oceans, completing a short cycle. Some of the water vapor, however, reaches land, where it may fall as snow or rain. Melted snow or rain enters rivers or lakes on the land. Due to the force of gravity, the water in the rivers eventually empties back into the oceans. Melted snow or rain also may enter the ground. Groundwater may be stored for hundreds or thousands of years, but it will eventually reach the surface as springs or small pools known as seeps. Even snow that forms glacial ice or becomes part of the polar caps and is kept out of the cycle for thousands of years eventually melts or is warmed by the Sun and turned into water vapor, entering the atmosphere and falling again as precipitation. All water that falls on land eventually returns to the ocean, completing the water cycle.
We should learn from this direction of our Saviour, to avoid all wastefulness of the good things with which God has blessed us, to manage our substance on all occasions to the best advantage, and so to approve ourselves charitable and kind, as God’s stewards.

1.SOULS WON: We should put good mechanisms in place to ensure that people He convicts and brings into the church are well kept and nourished in order to abide in Him forever. It is the duty of the church leader to re-populate the church but not to de-populate it!

2.CHURCH FUNDS: God will hold us accountable in this area. How do we use the monies He causes people to dish out into the coffers of the church? If we misuse church money, Jesus will never be pleased with us.

3.SPIRITUAL GIFTS: Put all your gifting and talents to good use. Help your members to develop and use their gifts. As leader make sure that you effectively transmit what is in you into others.

4.PRECIOUS GEMS OF THE CHURCH: Take good care of all your Officers. Respect and involve all of them in the running of the church.

5.TIME: this refers to our own personal time and that of church members. At times we waste their time with unnecessary comments and a series of announcements. When introducing people, we tend to talk about almost everything we know or have heard about the person, especially when he is a big man. Again, after-preaching comments also waste time. This occurs when somebody other than the leader preaches some leaders attempt to polish the message up or want to convince the preacher that the message has gone down well with the people. In any of these cases, some church leaders prolong their comments to the extent that the comments may even take more time than the message. In the end more time is spent during the church service than necessary.


1. Be realistic: avoid over-ambitious projects.
2. Never cheat the members in any way.
3. Avoid relying on hear-say: all hands must be on deck.
4. Lead simple, realistic lifestyles: cut your coat according to your size.
5. Avoid scheming, don’t be a greedy grabber.
6. Keep proper accounts on finance and church property.
7. Proper documentation should be ensured all the time.
8. Use church property prudently.
9. In church service, remembers to keep to time.

As leaders, we should always remember that we shall be held accountable one day about how we administer the affairs of the church. There is therefore the need for us to be vigilant and diligent in everything we do in the name of God. May the Lord help us to gather every fragment and put them to good use so that no losses are incurred in His kingdom business.

© Pastor William Boachie-Ansah,
(, )

Thursday, April 22, 2010



“I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” 2Ti 4:1-2, (NKJV)

"I wish you happy birthday.... many more victorious and prosperous years to come.” This particular one has been echoing in my mind since last Wednesday. My 42nd birthday occurred last week. It was one of the most memorable occasions I will never forget in my life. I wondered why people from all walks of life all over the world were sending in messages: Rastafarians, Buddhists, Muslims and free thinkers, politicians, students, and my fellow ministers from my church and other denominations. Some were old, old friends I had lost touch with for over 30 years, yet they could remember and call me or send me messages.

All these were made possible through the Facebook which I joined barely a month ago! Although I am a computer literate, I live in a community where connectivity was virtually non-existent. Sometime ago, make a mobile phone call was a headache because I had to stand at a particular spot for about 30 minutes before the phone could register the network. Now thanks to MTN modem, I can connect to the internet.

I was virtually overwhelmed. I immediately used the opportunity to present an evangelistic message, because I saw it as a good opportunity to let people know how the Lord has been gracious to me. I sent this personal testimony about my salvation:

Today, I'm 42 yrs young and still growing stronger! I declare without any shame that I'm a living testimony of the grace of God! Once I was a very troublesome aggressive guy: akpeteshie (a hot local gin) dealer, fetish priest secretary, Rastafarian, nearly a school drop-out.. But since 1989 when I accepted Jesus, it’a a totally different story! Today, accept Him: He will do you good!

My decision to do this stemmed from the fact that that the Bible admonishes us to be ready to preach the gospel whether in good or bad season. I saw a good season and surely, it became one!

The next day, messages kept on flowing. This time, not birthday wishes, but people praising God for what He has done for me. I took time yesterday to review the messages. One surprise was that two people took particular interest in the testimony and were able to forward it to over 2,000 people. The aspect which excited me most was that a note had been attached: "This is a testimony of a Pastor friend of MY CHURCH, the Church of Pentecost. If Jesus did it for Pastor, He can do it 4 U"

How could it be possible for someone like me living in a deprived community like Nsawkaw receive such a high publicity? The internet is a very powerful tool. Everyone should learn how to put it to good use. I am very sure the message is still circulating. I pray that the Lord would use it to save people I cannot reach in person. My final remark: It is good to be technologically inclined! Use your technological know-how to preach Christ and there will surely be results..

The Church of Pentecost

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



Main Text: “Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 1Corinthians 4:1-2

Stewardship and integrity are gradually becoming household words in this modern dispensation. This stems from the fact that in every sector of human endeavour, man cannot do away with the need for people especially leaders to not only expound them as virtues but to actually put them in practice for their followers to emulate. In this write up I would discuss the definitions of these words, relate their significance to Christian leadership and deal with practical ways by which the Christian leader could demonstrate good stewardship and integrity in his life in order to be able to effectively promote the Kingdom business.

The Greek word for the steward is: oikonomos, (oy-kon-om'-os) and it implies:
• Slave subject to a master but placed in charge of other slaves.
• House-distributor (i.e. manager),
• Overseer of an estate, i.e. an employee in that capacity;
• Fiscal agent (treasurer);
• Preacher of the Gospel (figuratively)--chamberlain, governor

The Encarta Dictionary gives the following modern definitions for the word:
• Plane or ship attendant: somebody who attends to passengers on an aircraft or ship, or manages provisions and dining aboard a ship
• Property manager: somebody who manages somebody else's property, finances, or household
• Hotel or club manager: somebody who manages arrangements concerning meals or lodging at a hotel, club, college, or other establishment
• Official at public event: a marshal or official at a large public event

The concept is derived from the Hebrew word “tom” with the following implications:
• completeness
• moral innocence:--full, integrity,
• perfect(-ion), simplicity
• Uprightness at a venture.
• Trustworthy
• Faithful

Integrity therefore encompasses:
• possession of firm principles: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards
• completeness: the state of being complete or undivided
• wholeness: the state of being sound or undamaged

If we are to go by the definitions above, Christian Stewardship therefore deals with
• Recognition of God’s ownership of one’s person, powers and possessions.
• Divine-human partnership with God as the senior partner.
• Faithfully applying God’s principles to everything, which He has entrusted to us.
• Faithful use of these for advancement of His kingdom on earth.

Stewardship and integrity therefore deals with serving the Lord and his Church in such a way that we would not be found wanting in any area of our stewardship by ensuring that pragmatism and transparency are imbibed to ensure sustainable effective advancement of the kingdom business. We need to get it into our spirit that
• God owns everything. Ps 24:1; Ps 50:10, 11.
• God claims ownership of us as Christians 1 Cor. 6:19, 20
• God claims ownership of all the silver and gold and all of the wealth in the planet Haggai 2:8
• We own nothing. We came with nothing Job 1:21, Eccl. 5:15, 16, 1 Tim. 6:7
• Everything we have has been given to us by God 1 Cor. 4:7 …
• He gives us power to get wealth. Deut. 8:18

In our calling as Christian leaders,
A. We are Chosen by God Is. 43:10; Amos 7:14, 15; Jer. 1:5-7, Jn. 15:16; Jn. 20:21; 1 Tim. 1:12 Acts 20:28; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20

We should remember that there are so many people in the Church who might have advanced in so many areas in life more than we are. If God has bypassed all those people and has chosen you to be in charge of the church, which is the most important institution on the earth, there is the need for us to be faithful to him in everything! In order to live up to the task
• You must first deal with your character. (Acts 20:28). Identify every weakness in you and allow the Holy Spirit to help you bear the fruit of the Spirit.
• Be consistent. Be prepared to move with God both in good and hard times.
• Remember that availability, loyalty and faithfulness are the basic values expected of any steward aspiring to be successful to his master.

B. We are Counted Faithful/Trustworthy by Christ 1 Tim. 1:12

God himself has counted you faithful. If you do not maintain your integrity, then you have disappointed Him. Give your whole life to Him, respect and properly manage it. If you don’t want to disappoint him;
• Don’t complain or talk negatively about the work. Let people see the leadership business as the most honorable business.
• Promote the church and try to creatively implement every policy of the Church. Eg; attending movement meetings, home cells, etc
• In times of affliction, let people know that your God is in control. That was what makes Job stands tall when it comes to maintaining integrity. Don’t give up too easily!

C. We are Appointed as Ambassador for Christ 2 Cor. 5:18 – 21.

As a leader in the church you have been chosen to represent Christ in that Church and community.
• You are in possession of God’s secrets; the secrets of life, business etc. Let the presence of God be felt in the community. God has confidence in you. That is why you were chosen.
• Do all that you can to promote His interests.
• What are Christ’s interests in the Church and your community?
• There is ACCOUNTABILITY connected with your stewardship as Christ’s ambassador Mt 12:36; 18:23; 23:34; 25:19 Lu 12:20; 48; 19:15

D. We are Chosen as Servant Stewards of God 1 Cor. 4:1; Titus 1:7; 1 Pet. 4:10.

God will never come down visibly for you to serve Him with food, etc. However, there are so many areas that you are expected to serve faithfully and diligently. Manage His resources effectively. Gen. 2:15.
Church resources include:
• How you handle church finances, such as tithes and offerings. Don’t use the church’s money in unnecessary expenses.
• Keep good records of transactions.
• Be accountable and responsible to your superiors.
• Manage your members well and consider their welfare. Visit the sick and help the youth in career guidance.
• Jesus, who is your Boss, is very much interested in profits. He wants you to faithfully increase the TITHES, MISSIONARY OFFERINGS, GENERAL OFFERINGS, CHURCH MEMBERSHIP, MEMBERS WITH HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM, PROPERTY ACQUISITION and all other areas which result in the advancement of the kingdom business!
• Don’t take advantage over the members. Never use your office to perpetuate your personal agenda.

• Eliezer of Damascus & Abraham Gen. 15:2; 24:1 – 67.
• Joseph In the house of Portiphar Gen. 39:1 - 6
• Joseph In prison Gen. 39:21 – 23

• God’s faithful stewards will be rewarded with promotions, etc Matt. 25:21 – 23; Lk19:17-19
• Lazy and unfaithful ones will be punished Lk 12:48; 19:22

 Integrity and Morality (Holiness of heart and life keep channels of communication open with God and insure the Holy Spirit’s free access to fulfilling the Father’s will. 1 Cor. 6:9, 10)

 Integrity in the public arena cannot survive if people justify wrongdoing with the attitude that “everyone’s doing it.” See Jer. 35:12–14.
 A pastor (OR LEADER) is expected to have above all a deep sense of call, a self-image that places him in a unique sphere of service, dedication, and sacrifice. His INTEGRITY and authority should not be questioned. He is the spiritual leader of his congregation, the axis around which the life of the church revolves. The people cannot grow spiritually beyond the level of their pastor. He is the prime mover, orientor, and advisor for all the programs of the church. He is the preaching-teaching elder, who must expound God’s revelation, maintain discipline, and lead the congregation.
 It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe. Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809) Anglo-American political philosopher.
The Age of Reason

 The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 - 1968) U.S. civil rights leader. From his book: Strength to Love

 A reputation for good judgment, for fair dealing, for truth, and for rectitude, is itself a fortune. Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887) U.S. cleric and abolitionist. From his book, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

1. Willmington, H.L.,Willmington’s Guide To The Bible (Katunayake: Christian Crusade), 1995
2. Brill, E.H., The Christian Moral Vision (New York: The Seabury Press), 1979
3. Carr ,W., (Ed) The New Dictionary Of Pastoral Studies (Grand Rapids: Erdmans), 2002
4. Swainson, Bill Encarta Book Of Quotations (London: Bloomsbury Publishing), 2000
5. Ferret, S.K., Peak Performance [3rd ed] New York: (McGraw-Hill) ,2000
6. Preacherss Goldmine Logos Bible Suite [CD] (Nashville: Thomas Nelson),1997
7. Ilumina Gold (Bible Suite DVD) Tyndale House
8. Microsoft Encarta 2006 (DVD Version) Microsoft Corporation

Tuesday, April 20, 2010




Texts 1COR 5:7-8, REV. 5:11-13
1Co 5:7-8 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Re 5:11 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; 12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. 13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

• He changed the items Elimination of the lamb because He is “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of men”
• The changed its purpose and essence: “Do it in remembrance of me”
• He changed the focus: The Disciples were to expect taking it with Christ in heaven
a) the Passover is a type of deliverance from the slavery of sin.
b) It is the passing over of the doom we deserve for your sins, because the blood of Christ has been applied to us by faith.
c) The sprinkling of the blood upon the door-posts was a symbol of open confession of our allegiance and love.
d) The Passover was useless unless eaten; so we live upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
e) It was eaten with bitter herbs, as we must eat our Passover with the bitter herbs of repentance and confession, which yet, like the bitter herbs of the Passover, are a fitting and natural accompaniment.
f) As the Israelites ate the Passover all prepared for the journey, so do we with a readiness and desire to enter the active service of Christ, and to go on the journey toward heaven.

Mat 27:1-66 (Please read all)

Religionists and academicians do not want to accept the historical facts of Jesus' death and resurrection. At first, their arguments centered on the resurrection but nowadays, they revolve round His death. The reason is simple: if you can't refute the resurrections, refute his death and there would not be any grounds for the resurrection.

a) SWOON THEORY- He did not die on the cross, but went into a coma. He became resuscitated after a heavy downpour and partly because of the balms which were used on his body, he regained strength and run away. He lived in Kashmir, married and had children, and died at a mature age of 120 years.

b) FRAUD THEORY - JUDAS ISCARIOT WAS THE ONE CRUCIFIED Jesus ran away when he feigned weak, and ran away as soon as Simon was asked to carry the cross.

c) HALLUCINATIONS THEORY: the crucifixion took place only in the minds of the Disciples. No authentic sources documented the event, apart from religious sources. The Apostles continued to say it until it also registered in the minds of all those who heard it.

a. THE INSCRIPTION OF HIS TITLE - Over His head was written an inscription in Hebrew, and Greek, and Latin, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." No matter how much and strong people will protest, Jesus is still the King!
b. THE CONVERSION OF THE THIEF (Luke 23.). See here the majesty of Christ as a Saviour, even in His misery as atonement. What the thief saw about Christ let us all endeavour to see -- His almighty power to save. Trust Him only and fully.
c. THE TOTAL DARKNESS AT NOON-DAY A picture of Christ's tremendous power. Your darkness is never so black as His.
d. THE RENDING OF THE VEIL. Now there was no veil between man and God. The dying Saviour rends away for ever every impediment which shuts us out from the Most High.
e. THE EARTHQUAKE. -Signifying Christ’s Lordship over the world.
f. THE RESURRECTION OF CERTAIN OF THE SAINTS. This was to give us the assurance that he will resurrect.
g. THE CONFESSION OF THE CENTURION. Even soldiers confessed his sonship!
a) REMISSION OF SIN without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.
b) UNIVERSALITY OF SALVATION - Only Jews had the right to God’s salvation
c) FREE ACCESS TO GOD WITHOUT INTERMEDIARIES - The tearing of the partition in the temple
d) ALL THE BENEFITS OF THE RESURRECTION (hope of our rapture and resurrection, etc)

• Seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
• Be faithful to your calling as a Christian.
• Be a good witness for Christ.
• Forget about your past sins and live in Christ’s victory and grace.
• Believe and trust in His sufficiency.
• Sanctify yourself